Ranting Scams Work/Technical

Funny spam viagra picture thing

I dont tend to get a lot of spam any more becasue of Gmails amazing spam filters – but every now and then the bastards manage to slip thru the net and end up in my inbox. Now if they do get through, i tend to look at them to see how they might of […]

Ranting Weblog

Crystal View Windows Nottingham

We were approached by a chap who was working on behalf of Crystalview windows Nottingham – and he had been tasked with getting brochures and flyers made up to spam peoples post boxes with. Anyway, the first thing he said on the phone was how shit this other company he was dealing with, was. He […]

Ranting Weblog

All i lack is concentration

Sometimes i find myself simply unable to concentrate enough to make any headway on work that i have outstanding. Our business is growing, as is our little internal network of people we have – yet after nearly 3 years at it im still as dis-organised as i was when i started. I often wonder how […]

Ranting Weblog Work/Technical

Hey, where did my pagerank go?

My blog seems to have totally lost its pagerank. I am 100% sure that it was at least a PR2 on the homepage, and i have a shed load of posts that had awesome pageranks due to them being commented on a lot and linked to and they are all now PR0 too!!! What the […]