
DISCLAIMER: My advice is simply advice, I accept no liability for anything that may occur from following the advice on this website. You should take and use this advice at your own risk. I cannot control the content of 3rd party comments and I publish all comments and submissions without censorship.

Ok, so way back in 2001 I registered www.0lly.co.uk and threw a HTML website up that I made in Dreamweaver. I then began publishing blogs and stuff about my life in around 2003. As there were no proper social networks back then, I shared the link to my friends and used blog directories to try and drive traffic to my content.

I always struggled with inspiration for posts, but I did often blog about scams and tech related stories. I have also covered Chocolate Milk ReviewsThe Madeleine Mccann Conspiracy, Prison Break and other topics that were relevant to my life at the time.

Then there was a huge lull – I barely visited the blog as I had started a business and a family and I didnt have time for blogging.

It wasn’t until the end of 2014 when I turned my attention to mostly covering scams, scammers and dodgy websites and companies when I found myself actively blogging once again. Initially I trawled my spam folder in gmail and blogged about the 419 scams people had tried to send me. Then I covered a few stories that I had seen floating about the web, and then covered some stuff that had happened to me…

In 2015 it all blew up.

Some of posts relating to a BES Utilities scam I got sucked into, gathered some serious momentum, and my domain began to outrank other news outlets and blogs and suddenly the little blog I had run for 15 years was starting to attract new visitors, lawsuits and a lot of attention from the outside world.

I cannot go into detail about those posts and that particular phase in my blogs life – not at the moment anyway – but hope to be able to again soon, in the not too distant future. – Watch this space 😉

If you have a scam story you would like me to expose, or if you have info to back-up a story I have already published then please contact me 🙂

NOTE: I still have posts from 2003 and onwards hosted on this site. I do not censor or hide them. Some of the posts were written by a completely different version of myself, and some of the content probably isn’t appropriate to be publishing publicly.


However, I am not ashamed or embarrassed about anything I did in my past. My past made me who I am today, and I like who I am today. So if you feel that you can use posts from my past to try and discredit who I am today, good luck.

– Olly

And finally, if you’ve enjoyed my content you can support my blog, by helping me pay hosting bills and for the time I spend researching the articles.

Thanks for your support over the years! 

DISCLAIMER: My advice is simply advice, I accept no liability for anything that may occur from following the advice on this website. You should take and use this advice at your own risk. I cannot control the content of 3rd party comments and I publish all comments and submissions without censorship.