BES Utilities

BES Utilities – Data Breach – Important!

You may recall a very long time ago, I published a series of posts concerning BES Utilities, and in particular mis-selling and the issue of fraud you may have experienced.

You may also be aware that through this fraud, BES’s owner Andrew Pilley was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment for fraud, and ordered to re-pay £16M under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

The reason I am writing this is that as part of exposing the fraud Pilley was involved in, they issued Court proceedings against myself and a friend, via solicitors Weightmans. We have now won those proceedings, and because of wrongdoing by the Solicitors involved, we have taken action against them for Contempt of Court.

Responding to the action, as private individuals Damian Carter and Jessica Kraja accessed the BES Case File and downloaded the Case File to their personal devices, before then forwarding that data to third parties. They are clearly not allowed to access Client case files for the purposes of defending their own personal misconduct, but did so anyway – and did so without the Court’s permission.

The BES case file contains your details, having reviewed it; it may include;

  • Your bank details
  • Your meter serial numbers
  • Your home addresses
  • Your mobile phone numbers,
  • Your dates of birth, etc.

Despite these details being from 2013 to 2016, they have been retained by Weightmans, abused, downloaded to personal devices, and disseminated to third parties who had no connection with the litigation.

Those details include those of Customers, former Employees, Trading Standards investigators and so forth.

We believe it is wrong and is in breach of Data Protection and GDPR for private individuals to be downloading this material to their personal devices or accessing it at all. So, I am writing this to invite you to do two things;

To take a look in detail at the issues and what those individuals did.

To make a Subject Access Request to Weightmans, you can do this by contacting: – contact me if you need assistance with a Template Letter.

We believe it’s important that you understand what data Weightmans have about you, especially after this passage of time – and that they destroy it, especially if its being downloaded to personal devices of their employees and distributed without the Court’s permission.

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