Weblog Work/Technical

Horsing around with Local Business Listings?

Haha.. i love a good old play on words! Over our business life we have met many people, some of them have been great – and some of them have been naaaasssttyyy. We have recently had the pleasure of making a website for the Villa Mar Riding School, Chesterfield. Its a family run operation, and […]

Ranting Weblog

All i lack is concentration

Sometimes i find myself simply unable to concentrate enough to make any headway on work that i have outstanding. Our business is growing, as is our little internal network of people we have – yet after nearly 3 years at it im still as dis-organised as i was when i started. I often wonder how […]

Weblog Work/Technical

Links from relative websites for SEO

Dave and i have been spending a lot of time reading up about SEO and how to build effective links campaigns. We read stuff all the time, many of the things you see on the internet conflict with other things you read, but once you’ve read enough and tried and tested some of the ideas […]

Weblog Work/Technical

My Email Migration Journey

Everyone has email. Some people access it via a blackberry, iphone/iphone 3g or other internet capable mobile phone, some people use outlook, thunderbird or one of the other desktop email clients. Then there are those of us who use things like gmail, hotmail so that you can access your mail easily anywhere in the world. […]