Scams Weblog Work/Technical

419 Scam – #1 – Madam Aicha Mohamed

Now we all recieve them, and i guess some people must fall for them else surely they would of stopped sending them out? Im talking about those emails you get from people in nigeria trying to help you out by giving you 40,000,000,000 ugandan dollars – but before they can make you a multi-multi-multi-trillianaire, they […]


The Best (and longest) Animated GIF In The WORLD

I was browsing my black hole (hahaha) with gemma (hahahha) and i was removing pictures that made me vomit on sight, when i stumbled upon this gif.  I love gifs, and save them whenever i can. This one deserves to be immortalised in time so please save it and upload it elsewhere if you can. This […]


Snow in Mansfield, and lots of it!

I have lived in and around Mansfield all my life, and its only really snowed (properly snowed) a handful of times. I remember it snowing more when i was very young, and most of my teenage years i cant really remember it snowing at all. The last few years have seen a return of the […]


Training Regime

Most people start the new year with a resolution, and dont stick to it (mostly) I made one to go to the gym a lot and get fit – as i was out of shape, overweight and feeling pretty bummed out becasue of it. A friend of mine mentioned he went to the same gym […]