My Past Weblog

Everyone is =

Do you think you are better than everyone? Do you think you have more right to be somewhere, or have something than other people? Well if you do, you are incorrect. I would say that as my life go’s – im at my lowest in terms of money and stuff then ive ever been in […]

My Past Weblog

Completley changed

The atmosphere in the office has totally changed. Its good again! The mag had really got us bogged down – and it was causing mine and daves working relationship to break down. Thankfully we both saw the light and have changed. On a more personal and non maxxd/work related note, i think the time is […]

My Past Weblog

Eye opener

This past weekend really opened my eyes. For a start, selling a mag how we were selling it is a fucking stupid idea. Well its not, but its a mammoth task for just me and dave. plus im sick of going to shows and not enjoying myself. This show was the icing on the cake […]

My Past Weblog

Unsure of what to do..

I guess i have been hoping for a miracle, or something random to happen that leave me with some cash. Like some refunded bank charges, or the sale of my car.. Then id be able to pay for some bits and bobs and have fun at nationals. But, suprisingly enough no miracle happened – no […]