My Past

£440.. on a FUCKIN fone bill!!

yup, thats right.. £440! it brakes down to £160 for me new fone, £100 for old bill that i didnt pay, £50 worth of poxy “administration charges” and the rest is calls n shit for this month! what a kick in the bollocks! im sellin the MK1 tho, hopefully tomorra! so fingers crossed that will […]

My Past

wind thru ma hiz-air

lol, i rode daz’s ped to work this mornin! its fuckin fantastic! im buying it off him for £250!! its one of these bad boys, will do 65/70mph and its so much fun to drive! im gonna get it n spray it the same as my car is gonna be! black n chrome! and im […]

My Past


hahahah, this made me fuckin smile! my work ppl said that they wernt gonna pay me a month in hand cos i didnt work one whne i first started! WELL i have found my bank statement from the month i started that PROVES i worked a month in hand!! yes you fucker! but i bet […]

My Past

end of week

im gonna hand my nootice in in about 10 seconds! omg! the suspence!! gonna leave at the end of the week if i can. oh well u no what they say.. there is light at the end of the rainbow.. but which rainbow?! [disclamer – no one but me has ever said that, i made […]