My Past

last day at ancis!

well, its my last day, i done a bit of work, nothign much tho. gonna leave here in about 15 mins, and as soon as i walk out the door im officially un-employed! onyl for a weekend like, but im still unemployed! its bin an experiance, and a very valuable! learnt IT support that will […]

My Past

pull’a trigga, kill’a nigga, he’s a he-ro

hmmm bit stuck, dunno what to write! erm.. fuck no’s, i sure i will think of summat while im writing this.. ah ha! i did! got pretty wasted yesterday, last night even, on stuff.. and i failed to quit smoking! its hard tho, not fags, weed! i need a j when i get home to […]

My Past

no smoking!

heh, ive said before and wil prob come tomora sayin “i failed” but im gonna try n quit smokin! cos its not good for my health, and its expencive and it sucks! me and me mate jules have decided to do it. she is gonna help me and i am gonna help her! i prob […]

My Past

end of tha mk1 :'(

im happy and upset at the same time! i am happy i have got rid of my MK1 cos i havent got enuff room time or money for it, but at the same time im upset cos it was mint and i loved it!! oh well.. i can say i have owned 2 mk1 golfs […]