My Past

haha. day 3. change of plan!

well, i sort of failed the first day! scott came round and forced me to smoke weed, honest, he forced me! *rolls eyes* ok, maybe he didnt force me, but he sort of made a few truths ring home! at the end of the day, it gets dark. lol no but really as much as […]

My Past

oh shit. day1. non smoker.

well, mat has convinced me to quit smoking. full stop. i say its gonna be hard at first.. but if i think to myself its not then i recon i’ll be able to do it. all i gotta keep in my head is that i will have nice teeth, fresh breath, more cash, better lungs, and i […]

My Past

later on that same day..

for some reason, ive woke up and im in a shit mood. having no money, and knowing im gonna get fuked over by bills at the end of this week doesnt help much. i worked some overtime last week, and ill be gettin the money thru friday. it was supposed to be for my tax on the […]

My Past Returns! – bloggin once more 🙂 hello 🙂 im back! unfortunatly i have lost my old blog 🙁 im fuckin gutted! we moved host, and sort of did it on the sly, by moving everything just before we were due to pay. so now we owe them about $220 dollaz, and i have lost my […]