
Why do people SCAM?

My blog subject of choice is scams, and more often than not – online scams. My friends know I have an interest in this and they often send potentials to me via email. A few of them have asked me “Why do people do this anyway? I mean, surely no one falls for it?”… Well i’m afraid to […]


Simon Macbeth Scammer – Followup

–> Meet Simon Macbeth 🙂 <– Last week I noticed I’d started getting comments on my original Simon Macbeth post, so I Googled his name to see if I was ranking and it was on Page 1. Then, I noticed the original website that exposed him as a dirty scammer was gone; Surely he’s not had […]


Nokia & Microsoft WINNER – Nokia X2 Dual SIM Windows phone and cash $$ SCAM

This scam is a hybrid version of some old free mobile phone scams that used to circulate, and the regular 419 nigerian lottery scams. The email itself was pretty much empty; It was from and the senders name is set to User90911271. If i hit reply it tries to email the email. The attachment itself is […]


Indebted for driving on toll road #000729155 – SCAM – HOAX

My friend Chris sends me scams every now and then, I think like myself he has had his email address a long time so gets things on a daily basis. He sent the Outstanding Invoice Scam a few weeks ago, and sent this the other day as he felt it was a pretty clever approach […]