Weblog Work/Technical

Converting vbulletin 3.6.7 to MyBB 1.2.12

I am forever changing, but quite recently i havent really done much to it. I was having to piss about with vbulletin’s really over confusing admin system just to make slight changes to stuff, and everything for it costs money.. I wanted a seo mod, and its like as much as the frickin software! […]

Bonnie The Dog Ranting Weblog

What runs through these peoples minds?

I understand that not everybody has the same point of view as me on nature, and the great outdoors. I would be so happy living on some beach or up some mountain miles away from anyone (as long as i had the internet somehow hee hee) with just my girlfriend and my poochie to talk […]


Tesco must of read my blog

Becasue they have put their unleaded petrol down to 99.9 a litre. Its so much more satisfying going and puttingĀ£10 worth of juice in and getting MORE than 10 litres šŸ™‚ – it is still extorsionate though isnt it! PIC


Lime Green Nokia N73

As you may remember from an old post, i painted my N73 fascia as im poor and cant afford a new phone. This was going swel for a while until a lot of the paint started to peel off, so i used my skillz and took the cover off again – and set about painting […]