My Past Weblog

Does your bank charge you far too much money?

Mine does. Everytime i go overdrwan (which is quite a lot) i get charged about £30. I have been through stages in the last few years when i have had up to £120 in charges backed up, so when the first of the month came around i had a sum deducted from my balance. Lloyds […]

My Past Weblog

More Court Drama

I had actually started to forget about the millions of teeshirts that litter the top of my wardrobe and the spare badroom in my house. I had started to forget how 2 guys who were such good friends of mine, turned round and stabbed me and dave in the back so much so were now […]

My Past Weblog


A year and a bit has passed since we took on ownership of the server all our sites are hosted on. And to start with, it was fine. If i ever had any problems, i always asked dave or daniel to have a look, and 9 times out of 10, they would fix it there […]

My Past Weblog

USC 2006

I had never been to USC before. I had heard stories of how mint it was, and how it was the best show of the year. I wouldnt say that it was the best show, but it was damm good. Me and dave finally got our shit together and headed off about 4pm friday, his […]