Weblog Work/Technical

Carnfield Hall is gonna be on the Telly!

We were approached by James Cartland when he needed a website to advertise his 15th Century country house called Carnfield Hall. Mr Cartland was a pleasure to deal with from start to finish, and we were pretty pleased with the overall look and feel of the site too. The content is now looked after by […]


Commercial Property in the Midlands

We’ve been debating whether or not to move our operations to another office within the Midlands, or to move everything we do to a store-front type setup and open a shop selling cool shit too? Where do you start when looking to relocate your entire business? We have scoured the Internet and found quite a […]


District 9 Soundboard D9 Sounds – Fookin Prawns!!

Adam has been checking for ages to see if the soundboard would be put back up. It was, we robbed it. If you haven’t seen the film already – you should! It makes a refreshing change from the usual shite that comes out.. Its not based in the USA.. It contains not one single […]


Moving Domains away from

I wanted to move a load of domains away from, as a client of ours wanted us to handle everything for them – and we dont use UK2 for domain name regestration. I searched the web, trying to find a guide on how to do it but it seems as if they’ve changed their […]