

Its pretty say to say that nearly everything will change at some point in your life, in one way or another. You change jobs, you move house, you put weight on, lose weight. And things like your morals change too as you become more wise about certain things around you. One thing i have noticed […]

Weblog Work/Technical

How the hell does eMule work then!

I thought it was about time to get some kind of p2p application so that i could get the odd track here and there when someone requests it. I use torrents for everything at the moment – and its not the best for single tracks etc. So i did some browsing and read some forum […]


69 Minute Designs

In all the time i have worked with computers, i have never been told that the work i do is bad. Ok, so im not up-to-date with the most current and cutting edge software or the latest methods of creating online web presences – but – i do what the people i work for want, […]


Stuff stolen from my garage

I have had a garage at the bottom of my old road in mansfield woodhouse for many years now, and it has always been the home for my pickup. Anyway, its now the time to bring the caddy back to life so i have successfully brought it home to my new house. Before i went […]