My Past

throw them bowsss

ok, mic check one two. basically im gonna garage the caddy.. till all this shit is sorted.. then im going NUTS with it. i recon im gonna let daz have a go at chopping my roof off.. so i got a hard top bagged caddy 8) and other trick shit.. which means the caddy will […]

My Past

well fuck me with a stick.

took caddy for a MOT.. and it falied miserably. basically the dude who fitted my ‘bags.. has fucked them up! which emans my car is unsafe to drive.. and now i gotta sue him or something! hes tack welded stuff that needs to be propper welded.. so something that is supporting the car, and moving […]

My Past

strange sence of famousness-ness, and it sucks.

not really given this much thought b4.. but somethign was triggered this weekend that has made me think hard! as i think i mentioned, a girl showed some intrest im me, and it was a ded dodgy situation.. now this and another case where by a girl who is in a 18 month relationship has […]

My Past

my weekend..

hahah omg what a crazy weekend! it all started friday at 5:30 when i woke up, had work at 6. worked thru till 11:30am, then went home and straight to bed.. slept again for a couple of hours, an was back at work at 10:30pm. i finished at 6:00am on saturday. then it was back […]