My Past

well fuck me with a stick.

took caddy for a MOT.. and it falied miserably. basically the dude who fitted my ‘bags.. has fucked them up! which emans my car is unsafe to drive.. and now i gotta sue him or something! hes tack welded stuff that needs to be propper welded.. so something that is supporting the car, and moving the car about.. could be snapped off with your bear hands.. which is not good. and the fucker let me drive hundreds of miles on the motorway.. knowing it could break and kill me at any time.


fucked it now really

5 replies on “well fuck me with a stick.”

mate, he was the most uglyest inbred mutha fucka on the planet. IF hes ever had sex in order to create antoher human being.. the human will be very ugly also, and probably be his daughter, and auntie or something.

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