
We need YOUR input for our UK TOP 40 Website

Hello Friends 🙂 As you will probably know, we have been involved in the newest UK TOP 40 Website to grace the internet. We’ve tried to make it different, contain features that others dont – and so far, so good! But we wanted to know what YOU would find useful on a charts website – […]

Ranting Weblog

Tidying up my online life

It dawned on me a few weeks ago, that i have far too much junk littered about the internet. I set things up, forget about them, and then set some more shit up – and its gotten to the stage where I’m using a shit load of web-space, and not really doing anything with it. […]


I haven’t actually blogged for ages

It seems like a hell of a long time ago that i actually wrote a blog post that wasn’t aimed or themed around the marketing of one of our websites, or one of our customers. I wouldn’t really count the lyrics stuff as blogging either – as that’s pure search engine catnip, and all those […]

Weblog Work/Technical dominates google

Ive recently been drooling over a new domain name that i kinda really want to buy. Its ÂŁ50 for one year which i think is a lot of money for something that could end up being another surplus domain. The domain name is (with a zero) Now if it was i would snap […]