Bonnie The Dog

Bonnie says hi

Bonnie says “Wassssuuuuuuuuppp” She now has both eyes open, and is attempting to walk a little. She is amazing!


Lies, Cheats and Naughty Little Treats

Since having the Internet at home, and having a fair few things happen that i feel i need to shout about, i have got the bug to blog back again. I had lost it for a while, things were very samey, and i dont see the point of blogging for no reason, its just wasted […]


The end and then the beginning

For just of a year, i have lived in a house with a good mate of mine, wardo. Wardo moved here from bakewell, and hopefully i helped his progression from a bakewell tart πŸ˜‰ (sorry, pudding) to mansfieldian.. But there comes a time in any mans life when he has to move in with the […]

Bonnie The Dog

1 Week Old Today!

Happy Birthday Baby Bonnie! Bonnie and her bro and sisters are one week old today! They are all getting so fat! πŸ™‚ it wont be long before she is chewing my shoes, and pooping on the floors! Oh i cant wait! πŸ˜€