Golden Nuggets of Wisdom

The Original Tim Westwood Soundboard BBC Radio 1

Tim Westwood Soundboard We used to use this Tim Westwood Soundboard all the time, when we won a contract, when we made a website live… then one day, it vanished?! I scoured the internet and found a wonderful human who had made a command line Tim Westwood soundboard – very cool. Anyway, he had used […]


Phone Screen Repairs – New Business Venture

Ive always had an interest in technology, I played with computers from an early age (1992/1992) and had a mobile phone from the age of 13 onwards. I always played around with the devices I owed, from adding GPS support and the TomTom software to an old Symbian Nokia phone, through to hacking my HTC […]


Cryptocurrency has ZERO use in the real world!

Note: I started this article after a long Cryptocurrency discussion with a friend, but the post ended up being a bit of a ramble so I apologise in advance! Clickbait? Perhaps. I dont share the view of the post title but someone said this to me the other day and it got me thinking. Were […]


Back to my roots.

Hello everyone. It’s been an eventful and interesting few years on this blog. I found a subject I was passionate and knowledgeable about (Scams) and turned my main focus on here to it. My blogs attracted people from all over the world and  after 700+ blog posts, 2000+ comments and multiple letters from solicitors (and […]