Golden Nuggets of Wisdom

Protected: BES Utilities – The Biggest Scam We’ve Ever Busted – Part 1

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Golden Nuggets of Wisdom

Why the EU “Link Tax” is an absolute load of sh!t.

You may or may not have heard, about the EUCD, European Union Copyright Directive – or Article 13 as it is being referred to. Well, its a load of documents wrote by old people who think the internet is evil, and it seems at NO POINT have they spoken to anyone that actually makes bits […]

Golden Nuggets of Wisdom

Your online footprint

This post is going to probably be quite contradictory, as I have posted online about my life for the last 15 years, but ya know… Be careful what you post online. I know that’s an obvious statement really, but I am blown away daily at how blind some people seem to be in regards to […]

Golden Nuggets of Wisdom

The Original Tim Westwood Soundboard BBC Radio 1

Tim Westwood Soundboard We used to use this Tim Westwood Soundboard all the time, when we won a contract, when we made a website live… then one day, it vanished?! I scoured the internet and found a wonderful human who had made a command line Tim Westwood soundboard – very cool. Anyway, he had used […]