Bonnie The Dog

4 meals down to 3

This is what i think of that!! This was the mat under my foods and drinks.. I decided to chew it up cos i was hungry and they wouldnt feed me when i wanted! I went to bed with a smacked bum that night 🙁

Bonnie The Dog

Hi guys!!

Hi folks, how are you? Im doing fine, im now getting into this walking thing.. Dad takes me out every morning, and mum and dad both take me out in the afternoons, is great. I get to meet lots of new doggys and their humans. I have mostly been chillin with dad now he has […]

Madeleine Mccann Conspiracy

Madeleine McCann Latest News

Things have really died down for the McCann’s recently. Appeal posters are being torn down in Portugal, the world wide news coverage has died down, and the hope that remained with many people has vanished just like she did over 8 months ago. The few news reports that are still appearing talk about a new […]

Weblog Work/Technical

Fluorescent Orange Nokia N73

Ok, so i was looking at new phones, and peeped the nokia N82, which is definatly the phone i will be having upon upgrade time. Then i thought back to the last time i spoke to t-mobile and they told me i had this phone for ages yet – so i got thinking.. How can […]