My Past Weblog

Overdrawn charges..

I hear on the TV the other morning, that a guy was discussing how he had taken Lloydstsb to small claims court – over the huge account charges he was receiving for going a tiny bit overdrawn. Anyway, he actually won! This got me thinking, i am being conned by my bank in pretty much […]

My Past Weblog

Olstar Blog V3.0

Hi there! This is the 3rd personal blog that i have ever had. I started off using bblog, which was good to start off with, but soon got quite annoying. In the end it was being attacked by spambot’s and i just couldnt be arsed with it. Then there was my long serving mamblog, where […]

My Past Weblog

The last 30 mins…

Nearly every day, as the day draws to a close – I find myself with nothing to do. Actually i lie, i find myself with nothing to do quite a lot. I have put it down to my inability to make mmx3 work, of a higher importance to me, than other things – such as […]

My Past Weblog

Internet Error

Its 11:48, and i have only just started my MMX3 work. I got here this morning, and the internet was down. The network was down, and everybody was panicing. We had a similar problem occur before, but it just started randomly working again. Anyway, after about 40 phone calls, we are back up and running […]