TV & Movies

Recast for Season 2 of Spartacus Blood & Sand

It upsets me to write this, but it appears that season 2 of the totally awesome Spartacus Blood and Sand (or Vengance as its apparently being called) will not star Andy Whitfield as “Spartacus” I wrote a while back about the leading man Andy, and how he had been diagnosed with a form of blood […]


Spartacus Blood and Sand Season 2 On the Horizon!

I was totally stoked when Adam introduced me to the Spartacus Blood and Sand series – it was everything i like in a TV show šŸ™‚ Then when I found out lead man Andy Whitfield had blood cancer, I was gutted! Not only for him, but for all the fans of the series as they […]

Ranting TV & Movies

Human Target – Season 3…. Hopefully

During our last holiday to Rhodes (I’veĀ justĀ realisedĀ i haven’t blogged about that!) we discovered a TV show called Human Target – its kind of a cross between the A Team, and James Bond.. With a bit of all the other action type dudes thrown in for good measure. It did at times come with a side […]


Spartacus – Blood and Sand

Wholly frickin’ shit, batman! – When Adam told me about a new series called Spartacus, and how it was a cross between Uber Violence, and Uber Porn – he instantly had my attention šŸ™‚ He gave me the first series, and after a week or so i started watching it – and couldn’t stop! It […]