Ranting TV & Movies Weblog

Kelly Rowland Forgot Her Lyrics – Cover-up?

At work, we do something called SEO and we’ve just started doing what we call Reputation Management which is basically the reverse of SEO – they both use similar techniques and are both becoming something we are being asked more and more for by our customers. Anyway……. a few years ago i was watching the […]

Ranting TV & Movies

Human Target – Season 3…. Hopefully

During our last holiday to Rhodes (I’ve just realised i haven’t blogged about that!) we discovered a TV show called Human Target – its kind of a cross between the A Team, and James Bond.. With a bit of all the other action type dudes thrown in for good measure. It did at times come with a side […]

TV & Movies Weblog

I F’kin LoveFilm!

For years and years I have borrowed films off friends or occasionally visited the cinema to enjoy them – but as my love for films grows, as does my respect for the actors, directors and people who work on these awesome movies, so I decided to join LoveFilm. You see the adverts on TV all […]

TV & Movies Weblog

Being Creative

Im a fairly creative person, and for a while now ive wanted to express my creativeness in some kind of visual or audible form. Ive debated doing some kind of music but i; a) Cant play any musical instruments b) Dont know how to use any music making programs I also thought of doing some […]