What a weird week! I had monday, and tuesday off. Came into work wednesday, and had thursday off, and now here i am sat at work on friday afternoon. And its crap. Feels like its monday though, so as soon as it officially dawns on me that its friday, ill be buzzing. – During my […]
3 day week..
ell i feel like i should be writing “i have that monday feeling again” but its actually wednesday. I used two of my days off, and had monday and tuesday off, it was great knowing that i didn’t really have to get up, but i wanted to spend the days filling up my web directory. […]
That friday feeling..
Its that time of the week again, where the smile creeps on my face, and the workload drops off like your erection would after seeing a picture of pete burns, post-surgery. I love fridays. Going to anquor army stores on saturday hopefully, so i can buy a set of army boots. As I’m going out […]
I give up.. lol..
Wohh, talk about head fuck. I was so depressed yesterday. It was like i wanted to give up, and crawl under a rock. I kinda feel like that now, but without the sadness. I just kinda want to crawl under a rock and sleep for a bit. Anyway, got a reply from someone off ebay, […]