Bonnie The Dog

Well – what have we here then

I had totally forgotten about my blog – my dad has kept it alive for me, and has actually moved it to the root of the domain name. He said something about WordPress mu attracting spam bots and being more trouble than its worth. So here is my new improved blog – and this time […]

Bonnie The Dog Rhymes Weblog Work/Technical

Twitter making famous people, less famous?

I was reading a blog post from Murray Newlands as im a follower of his on twitter. He commented on how lots of famous people are joining in with the twitter revoluton and are joining twitter. One of the most famous twitterer’s is Stephen Fry, he was one of the first people that i added […]

Bonnie The Dog

Molly came to play!

I was just minding my own business one day, when who should walk through the door? MOLLY! Its my sis that i havent seen for the longest, i had missed her very much. So much in fact we played for the whole 3 days! Molly seemed to think that she could play with my toys, […]

Bonnie The Dog

Well, i guess im really growed up now!

Daddy was working night times one time, and when he came in early in the morning so we could go for a walk, he started making a fuss about some stuff on the floor and acting like i was poorly? The next day there was more of the things on the floor, and then my […]