Bonnie The Dog

Molly came to play!

I was just minding my own business one day, when who should walk through the door? MOLLY! Its my sis that i havent seen for the longest, i had missed her very much. So much in fact we played for the whole 3 days!

Molly seemed to think that she could play with my toys, but i had told her that they were mine – i guess shes not good at hearing stuff? Whenever she took one i made sure i got it back! She had me stumped a few times but in the end i always got it somehow ๐Ÿ˜‰

Molly said she really liked stopping over, and i hope i see her again soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

Heres a pic of us crashed out after a hard days play!

One reply on “Molly came to play!”

i have 1 yr old springador called tess she looks just like her.Tess is mental loks like u have as much fun with her as i do tess!!!

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