Prison Break Weblog

Prison Break – Sara is alive?

I recently posted a blog entry about what is currently happening with prison break, and how i was unsure is episode 14 of season 3 (S03E14) was ever going to grace our screens.

Within a few days a load of comments appeared from other PB lovers from around the globe with their thoughts on PB, and a certain topic arose that has just spun me out.

The actor that plays sara left the show as she was pregnant in real life, and her character was apparently killed off and her head was delivered to lincon to scare him into sticking to “The companies” rules in regards the whole breaking whistler out of prison deal.

A guy called tonu posted this comment that has turned my perception of what the rest of the season (or season 4) could actually end up being about.

“Sara is Alive!!!!!Season 3 u guys will all see she is alive!!!!”

What the hell? How can sara be alive? if she is, then whos head was in that box?

Im not sure how the writers can bring her back, but i do know that from grechins point of view, having sara to use as a bargaining chip would certainly be a way of stopping micheal from killing her when he finds her.

If anyone out there has any news on this, please comment.

If the writers find my blog, then give me some info so that i am put out my misery!

12 replies on “Prison Break – Sara is alive?”

Sara has to be alive because otherwise Michael would simply mope around for the rest of the episodes, or they would introduce a new love interest for him, which they haven’t.

Also, the writers can easily spin off the box in the head part by claiming that the company gave a girl a facelift (like they did with the presidents brother) and then cut off her head.

Seriously, Sara cannot be dead. She’s too essential to the plot, and let’s face it, the episodes have only now got back to being interesting after Whistler introduces the possibility of her being alive.

The rest of the episodes could just be about micheal finding and killing everyone in the company..

it could still be made interesting without sara, but it would be a LOT more interesting with her!

sara MUST be alive. who knows if Lincoln was not having a vision and the head in the box was not sara’s head??… and the company could only hide sara. and in the last episode mahone she talks about sara…and scofield will find her… and sara cant be dead because if she is realy dead scofield will kill all and then he will be arrest and comit a lot of crimes he probably get arrest for the rest of his life. i dont beleave that was sara’s head…

If they cant bring back Sara then F*** this show. We dont want to see murder and Torture. And why do these writers have to be on strike for so loooooong. Get it over and begin PB next month.

Well, i think it might be possible sara is alive

quote LJ
“That bitch is crasy, i closed my eyes when they killed Sara
but i heard it.”

but what about her head?

for who dont know:

UPDATED MAR. 28: Sarah Wayne Callies is returning to Prison Break: “Prison Break is bringing back Dr. Sara Tancredi, Sarah Wayne Callies, as a regular character for season four. Olmstead makes it clear that isn’t Sara’s head after all, and she’s been alive, although not necessarily well, this whole time.”



Want to provide proof of that sentence that they are bringing back sara?

Because when they put her head in the box if it wasn’t her head and it was aimed to SCARE her, they had no way of knowing how close he would inspect the head – it would only take 30 seconds to know for sure and they wouldn’t risk being caught = there would be no reason or outcome for them.

Which means Sara is dead, it was her head and you PB/Sara lovers need to think with your head, not your d**k ๐Ÿ˜‰

Agreed with kolone567 abd Darkorder, seriously it would be weird if Sara suddenly was alive again. If she was alive, then you would want to blame Lincoln for having bad eye sight for looking things under 1 meter ?

Guys, think like Alex from the series! Check out the facts:

1.It was dark when Linc opened the box in the basement of the hotel.
2.Linc was a few days earlier at the morg to identify someone that fitted Sara’s discription.
3. LJ didn’t see anything
4. Look at comments from tetris March 9th, 2008 5:46 am
5. It would make things more interesting if Sara did turn up in the chase of Mike and that sick bitch who needs to die a horrible death!!

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