Bonnie The Dog

Chasing stuff is my favorite

I have found my new favourite thing ever! I love chasing things, is great! When me and dad go in the garden he uses a brush and a rake and makes the leaves go in the air so i can catch them!

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My mum and dad keep saying i was born outside, but i cant remember as my eyes were shut when i was born. I think they might be right though because i love it outside.. Except when its wet! Water came out the air and made me jump – mum didn’t let me investigate it much, maybe another day though!

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And also, when i was outside once i saw a spikey doggy, i went over to sniff it but dad grabbed me and said “fleas”… I only wanted to sniff it! But dad said he would have to take me to that man again with the bright shirt and cold hands so i just sniffed it from a distance.

I have lots of new toys too, i have a new friend called Marty and he is a cat teddy that i like to fight with he doesn’t fight back much. And i have a rabbit, and a lion.. I like to play with them all but marty is my favourite. My mum said i can chew him and it doesnt matter. I have also started to chew another one of my mums ted’s but she said she has two of them so again, i win! Haha.. Im starting to get my parents figured out.. πŸ˜‰

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I still havent quite mastered my food eating – i know when mum and dad are making it now though as i can hear it and smell it. But when i start eating i seem to get it all over the place. I get to clean it all up from round my bowl after though, which is my favorite bit!

Aunty chazza and uncle stu came round again to play – they kept telling me to do stuff and tapping my feets, i think she said “paw”.. That might be what she calls my feets! Silly human! But i gave them my feets anyway becasue they kept giving me treats. Mmm My favorite!

Everyone was laughing at me today and i didnt no why. Aunty chazza was rubbing my neck and my leg wobbled. I cant stop it doing it, its very strange. It tickles!

Well dad wants his computer back now and has shouted at me for chewing a bit of his laptop, so will post more tomorrow..



3 replies on “Chasing stuff is my favorite”

Yo Sis !!!! Looks like your having fun. Why are our Dad’s always working on this “internet” thingy ? I don’t understand it.

I think we should set up a little doggy empire and buy ourselves Gucci collars and designer baskets πŸ™‚

See you soon !

Oakley xx

Aaaw good girl!

The Spikey thing you saw is called a hogheg, your momma tells me it’s a heghog, but she’s wrong!

It looks like you’re having lots and lots of fun, I may as momman to fetch me to come see you. She’s bought a new millie wagon to take me places, one where it doesn’t matter if I’ve been swimming or having a mud bath!

Also, don’t forget who gave birth to you when you’re both rich and famous, remember…….i ate your poo!

Lots of Love
Mummy x

Haha will never forget mummydog πŸ™‚

Thanks for the poo eatin πŸ™‚

Them mud baths sound FUN i would like to try that!!!!


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