My Past Weblog

V Day

That sounds like some kind of war memorial day, where we should wear poppies, or have a minutes silence or something. But, as you’ll probably know, im on about valentines day. It is supposed to be a day where people inform other people that they like them – in secret! But instead its become a day where lovers spend loads of money on each other.

In my opinion you should your treat your other half as often as possible, and you should cook them food and have cosy nights in all te time. Not just one day a year! Last valentines week was not a pleasant one for me. I split up with my ex girlfriend, and i was at a very low point in my life.

One year on i have nearly everything i could ever want in my life. I have a mint house, and i live with a mate who i get on awesomely well with. I have a business with my bitch ass business partner and partner in crime Mr Burns. I have a gorgeous girlfriend of whom i love very much, and… Ok. thats it for now but slowely the pieces of my life are falling into place.

People talk about money like its the most important thing ever, in fact i have even gone on and on about money in the past. I guess its just cos im scared of falling into the debt trap again, but in reality money isnt really that important. I have hardly ANY money at the moment, im literally running on air – but i still walk around with a smile on my face and i still have fun with my friends.

It would be nice to be loaded, but its not the most important thing in the world is it. ๐Ÿ™‚

V Day Dinner Cooked By Me

The V Day Dinner – Cooked by my very hands…

Hot Choc 1

Today, me and dave have mostly been drinking Hot Chocolate, with cream n shit… Mostly..

Hot choc 2 mmm

See.. ๐Ÿ˜›

Also, the weather is starting to get warmer now. I have come to the conclusion that spring going into summer is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing the new plants coming through the ground, and the new leaves sprouting from the dark and empty trees. Its great. I also love the hot weather, but i really miss the snow. I had so much fun -and i bet it doesnt snow like that again for YEARS!

And in regards that other thing, i’ll be fine. I jsut get paranoid. I have spoken to my angel about it and she couldnt of been more reassuring. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, i hae a website to work on.

Peace out.

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