My Past Weblog


I think its safe to say summer has started. I woke up on saturday morning to find the sun blazing out side, and knowing i had no plans i went and bought sun cream and some drinks – set my laptop up outside,put daz’s carp bed down and layed in the sun for HOURS!

I had kinda forgotten that i was supposed to go to mats housewarming party at 7, and i went to a BBQ at ste and stacys from 5 till about 8. It was nice to just chill out all day in the gorgeous sunshine.

I arranged to meet helen agin, and we went for a walk round sherwood forest. It was really nice, we chatted for hours and eventually went back to mine where we chatted some more and called it a night. She went home about 1 and i went to bed. Helens not like other girls, and i respect her so much for that.

Im off to my mums now to have sunday dinner. Some american guy is over for metalbox and is working with kev so he’s there for dinner too. Should be cool to see what he thinks of our summer!

And my head is peeling ๐Ÿ™ from sunburn lol

2 replies on “Summertime”

Hope you enjoyed yourself at the bbq, i agree it was nice to just sit and chill with friends.

Glad to see you and helen have gone out again.

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