My Past Weblog


I have a G2 installation on, and i try and keep it updated. I went to install a cool new theme today, and it highlighted that one or two parts of my G2 installation may be out of date, so i did what i normally did to upgrade G2, but it gave me a shit load of errors. I googled the errors and i found a site that told me to backup/rename the config.php and the g2data folder, and delete everything else, then re-upload the files and un-re-name them two files. Run the site and the upgrade wizard should start.

Hopefully once this frickin FTP program has caught up with itsself i can have my gallery back! Go on the menalto site, and there is a heap of free user submitted themes. ๐Ÿ™‚ Im gonna use the nature one ifร‚ย  can get it to work ๐Ÿ™‚

4 replies on “Gallery2”

I should really sort out my own gallery. I have gallery2 installed as well, but the default theme is pretty ugly.

As soon as I’ve finished sorting out the 4000 or so pictures that I have I’ll make it look a bit more sexy. It seems there aren’t many decent themes though.

Well, what a fucking pain in the arse!

I eventually deleted the exisitng setup, and re-uploaded the installation of g2..

I renamed the files, and ran the upgrade wizard..

All seemed fine.

I got to the last step, it said next, and my gallery looked fine! ๐Ÿ™‚

Started looking around, and the first 20 or so images in the 6680 gallery have fucked up.

Now there is thousands of images in my gallery, i aint checking every one of them!!

I might totally rebuild it.. most of my new photos are in date order anyway..

Fucking pain in the arse…

Picture galleries always seem to cause a shitload of problems. I was working on myown code for an image gallery, but I couldn’t be bothered with that either…

It’s a shame really because I could have done it exactly how I wanted it rather than how someone else wants it.

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