Well, i think we can safely say summer has started this week! I wasnt in a decent enough state yesterday to make judgment on the weather, but yes, its hot, sticky and sunny! Woo!
So, as its now summer, we are all going to black rock tonight to smoke a few joints on’t queens nose 😀 I love black rock, its cool. I guess the only downside to it is the fond memories of camping there with nic, dave and jenna. I have some photos from then, that show us all happy as campers (lol) – so i guess the memory will live on.
I didnt realise quite how much my life had changed while i was with nic. I had pretty much forgotten about maxxd.com. I had forgotten how busy my life actually was – and i had just pushed so much stuff to one side. I think thats now reflected in the rate maxxd is picking up again. Since certain things have been delegated to other people, it leave me time to do the things i really need to do. Like sort the new marquee out, buy and sell maxxd stickers, and look at ways of furhter marketing the maxxd name. Which as a whole means that everything is being done, and being done to the highest level possible.
I dont regret the time i spent with nic, she taught me a lot about life- but only becasue she made me grow up a few years. I went from being a youth, to a bloke. I look at things differently, i want different things now and even down to me being a lot tidyer than i was before. So i guess id like to thank her for the time i spent with her. Its a shame i cant tell her that to her face – she would take it the wrong way and probably get offended.
One reply on “Summer is it!”
Maybe she reads this… I imagine I’d probably read the blog of someone I used to go out with… If any of them had one.
although i guess girls are a different species, apparently my ex-girlfriend doesn’t read mine. Her parents do though o_O