My Past

Xmas tree..

In less than half a hour, ill be a free man. I say free, but only free for one night. Then i have to go work for 60 hours again, and then back to work. I haven’t had a weekend for a while ๐Ÿ™

Nicola put our xmas tree up last night, and has done a splendid job! It looks nice and classy, not trampy or tacky like a lot of trees are. The best tips to achieving a nice tree, and DONT crowd it, NO tinsel, and NO coloured lights – All it needs now are a few prezzies under it, and the xmas spirit will be complete!

Im gutted i have to work this weekend as its the un-official MMX3 xmas party. They are all going bowling, and i was meant to go. But unfortunately i cant.

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