Haha. Got this beauty a while ago, just found it starred in my inbox. From: Y gl <sizloto5@outlook.com> (reply-to address the same) The email contains this golden transcript (was actually a JPG but thankfully the internet has free OCR software available) From: Ms. Patricia Atkins Canada National Lottery 1550 Princess Street Kingston. ON, Canada, K761 […]
Category: Scams
This one was a bit random, but I actually quite admire the approach they have taken as with a bit more refinement they would have the PERFECT scam email! from: Lance – British Airways Limited <Stein.Lance56@telkomsa.net> Reply to address the same. Ok, so the title, the email it was sent from, and the subject of […]
–> Meet Simon Macbeth 🙂 <– My blog has been focused on one or two main subjects recently, so when I got this email it reminded me of how much of an assclown Simon Macbeth was. Another story from another traumatised couple who have been conned, cheated and whose life has been made a misery […]
Invoice #993057-2016-03 – SCAM email
Ive been very busy at work this week, and my inbox has had 10-20 emails unread in it constantly each day so far. I spotted this one sat in  the list and I was drawn to it as it referred to an invoice and I didn’t recognise the name so wanted to know what it […]