
Debt Free!

Like many people, i’ve been in debt for most of my adult life. It all starts out ok and you just a little loan to buy a car, then you want other stuff and so on and so forth – until you get to a point where things have gone a little too far and you really need some help.

Some people turn to debt management companies, some to loan sharks… Some people flee the country and hide until it goes away.

Thankfully I have amazing parents, an amazing partner and I am of the hard working kind – and after many ups and downs i am now – as of yesterday evening – 100% debt free!

My mum helped me with the last little push (for which I am eternally grateful) and now I can finally start rebuilding my credit so that one day when I want to borrow loads of money to start my sneaker shop, the man at the bank won’t run a mile 🙂

Woohoo for debt free-ness!

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