Weblog Work/Technical

Trying to get my pagerank back

Its been over a month now and im still without a pagerank on any page of the blog. Im still ranking high for loads of terms in google so its not like they have punished me for anything.

I have tried cutting down on the amount of external links i had on my site – as a friend of mine hinted that there might be too many. But to be honest its not like i have significantly increased them at any point in the last 6 months or anything?

Im not sure what else to do to be honest – the thesis theme im using is the most SEO friendly theme ive ever used – and the content hasn’t dropped off like it has done in the past – so whats the issue?

Im gonna kinda try and make it my mission to get some of my most excellent pageranks back – i miss it ๐Ÿ™

Any ideas peeps?

3 replies on “Trying to get my pagerank back”

I shouldn’t worry too much, mate. Pagerank actually means very little. There’s an all in one SEO pack plugin for wordpress that might help make your own theme would be my advice. Then everything is just where you want it.

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