Oh deary me! I thought getting older meant that i would get bigger faster and stronger! Well, i am bigger.. and faster.. and loads stronger! But i keep getting a poorly tummy and having accidents in the night. I think its because of all the random things i eat when im having a walk. I ate a load of grass today too, and that has just come back up the wrong way all over the carpet..
Dad wasn’t amused! ๐
I think they have got it in their heads that im doing this because i can and cos i want to. I’m not, honest! Its just getting a bit hot for me, and i do eat a bit too much grass, I’ll admit it!
Here’s a photo Dad took of me after mum threw a stick for me. I love chasing sticks, did i tell you already? Its my favourite thing to do, ever!!
So yeah, things are going OK apart from the sicks and the poo’s – my new best mate is our next door neighbour who’s name is Ogi, it was supposed to be Yogi but their little kids couldn’t say it, so it became Ogi ๐ He is a massive St Bernard, and he is ace! He did have a bit of a liking to the back of our garden though, especially when he needed a poo. So dad has put a thing up to stop him getting in. I think he said it was called a fence, but it looks more like some bits of wood to me.
I still go and see my grandma and keira and ruby and the clan, i love going there as i can play all day with keira and ruby, cos at home dad has to work so i can only play with my toys. I love going down the woods still too, and swimming! Wow how i love swimming! I will show you in another post though!
Bonnie xx