I stole this from the chad website…
“A MANSFIELD schoolteacher may have deliberately caused the late-night road crash that killed him days before he was to be sentenced for sex offences against a teenage boy. Paul Leslie Taylor (48), of Chaucer Street, had a sexual relationship with a male pupil while working as a teacher at Mansfield’s Brunts school.
He had worked at the school for almost 23 years, but he was facing a stint in jail after being convicted of three charges of sexual activity with the boy.
Taylor was due to be sentenced at Nottingham Crown Court on 17th November last year, but died four days before the hearing when he crashed his Renault Megane Coupe into the back of a lorry parked in a lay-by on a notorious stretch of A38 at Clover Nook, Somercotes.
An inquest into his death last week was told that Taylor died of head injuries at the scene and a post-mortem examination found traces of anti-depressants at normal, therapeutic levels.
Trucker Malcolm Riley told police he had parked his articulated lorry and went to sleep in a bed in his cab at 9.30pm.
He was woken up a few hours later by a ‘terrific’ impact from behind that knocked him out of his bunk. He then found the Megane embedded under the rear of the trailer and immediately dialled 999.
Mr Riley believed he had left the lorry’s parking lights on, but forensic tests showed this was not the case.
Said collision investigator Pc Ian Phillips: “Although it is a legal requirement to have lamps illuminated during darkness the reflectors were intact and the vehicle would have been visible for a minimum distance of 300 metres.”
He found no evidence of Taylor losing control of the vehicle or taking evasive action prior to the crash.
Said North Derbyshire coroner Tom Kelly: “He either deliberately drove into the back of the lorry or it was an accident. I’m not going to conjecture which it was.”
No defects were found on the vehicle, which was travelling at 70mph on impact according to the speedometer, which had frozen on impact. The speed was consistent with the damage caused to the car.
The coroner recorded a verdict of death from injuries sustained in a road traffic collision.”
This guy taught me electronics!! And when i think back, he used to randomly pull up at school with random school kids in the car – he was always a bit wierd!
Its a fucking shock to hear he was a convicted pedo, and that he actually took his own life instead of facing his punishment.
In other Mansfield news, how bad has the flooding been!! I have lived here all my life, and have seen snow, wind, and all sorts of bad weather. But i have NEVER in my life seen the amount of water on the ground that there has been these last few days. I think ill let the pictures do the talking..

Early doors has changed its name to “Atlantis” and is doing a special offer on pints of water 😆 hahaha
The junction is clear now though, just a day after and its GONE! Its mad as fuck!
Also i went to my mate chet’s wedding – it was awesome!

The wedding was massive, there were hundreds of people there and it went on for hours. In fact if im not mistaken it go’s on for a few days! They only went on theri honeymoon today, and they got married on saturday!
It was an amazing experience for me as i had never been to anything like that before. I have to say i felt out of place as me and a couple of others were the only honkeys in the building, but no one really gave me any funny looks – in fact one girl sat down and started telling me what was happening as not much of anything was done in english!
If your reading this chet – your wife is lovely and i hope your new life together is amazing! You deserve it bro! Oh, and dont you thin she looks like Salma Hayek?
It was also the first time i had seen my angel all dressed up in a posh frock, here she is posing in front of a bentley on chromes.

She looked beautiful, and yesterday was our 8 month anniversary. Love you angel!
I guess that about does this update, catch u later potata…
4 replies on “Peado Brunts Teacher Suicide – Mansfield Flooding & Chets Wedding!”
Chet got married? Awesome. 🙂
I was going to go down to that junction and take those exact pictures yesterday! Thanks for saving me getting soaked. 😀
My brother says “PLT” was his favorite teacher, and used to go out drinking with the 6th formers and stuff. i think he’s pretty weirded out by it actually…
Yeah, i remember a few people saying that he was sound. Does your bro know who the kid was he was supposed to of had sexual relations with?
also, whos your bro? i might no him!?
Erm… I didn’t ask him. I asked him if he knew you and he said not, he’s a bit younger than you, almost 21. Andy, Dickens.