My Past Weblog


Im sat here.. My foot is tapping in anticipation, and i keep checking azureus to see how my torrent is progressing. Its tuesday, prison break season 2 episode 15 aired in the usa yesterday, and its available to download now! I remember when season 1 had just come onto channel 5, and i was HOOKED! I used to run home, sort my shit out and collapse in a pile whilst watching the greatest TV show that has ever been made. I feel that excitement again, and i know that by 2pm this afternoon, ill of seen the latest priosn break episode. WOWEEE!

Im quite into lost too, not as much as PB, but its a very good program. There is so much going off, so many sub stories, its hard to keep up. And the island is just a bit strange too, a lot of the stuff is not believeable. Thats what seperates the two programs, they arte both exciting, both action packed, both leave you on the edge of your seats, but one is slightly more real than the other.

If anyone has located past EP06 of SE03 of lost (torrents) then holla at me! I dont do SKY n shit πŸ™‚

Works going great, we have plenty of bits and bobs coming in that are keeping me busy. I cant wait for dave to start the sales campaign, so that i can do a feew thngs that are not focused around getting money in, i.e. work on

2 replies on “Anticipation”

Isn’t episode 6 the last one they showed before the break? It comes back on February 7th anyway.

Prison Break was great. 24 was cool. Heroes was nice. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is a show you probably won’t like… Family Guy was an absolute classic!

I download too much TV! πŸ˜€

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