My Past Weblog

The end of an era, The start of a new day.

It was January 2005, and a nervous shirt and tie wearing guy called 0lly turned up for his interview at a company called Mini Marquees. They make the best promotional marquees in the world, fact! And a friend of mine worked there and had put in a good word for me. The job i was going for was a Digital Printers job, and although i wasnt 100% suited/qualified for the job – my IT knowledge meant i was adaptable and could fit in with the job quite well…

…That was 2 years ago next month, and today is my last proper day here. Its been 2 of the best years of my life. The company is run by a chap who REALLY knows what he’s doing. hes one of the most switched on business men i have ever met, and i have met a fair few! He looks after his employees, and isnt tight when it comes to spending money to improve the working enviroment for his staff. Best MD Ever!

The production manager is also the bollocks, he knows whats happeneing, and when its happening. He is also a good mate of mine, and if i was to put money on who’d be running this company in a few years, it would deffo be him! Best Manager Ever!

The main designer, has also become a very close mate of mine. Ive seen him go thru a lot over the last 2 years, and he’s still going strong. Without him, this business would not have the speed and accuracy it has when dealing with customer designs. This chap is the backbone of MMX3. Best Designer Ever!

And the rest of the people who work there are ace too. The women in the sewing room, the sales guys, and the staff in the offices downstairs. Its the best working enviroment you could possibly ask for whilst working for someone else. Best Working Enviroment Ever!

The next best thing, is working for yourself. And thats exactly what the rest of my life is gonna contain.

Dave and myself have managed to get some funding from the Princes Trust, to help get our business off the ground – So when we say 2007 is going to be the year, we mean THE year.

I think we’re finishing early today, and probably going for a drink after work. And its the MMX3 Xmas party tomorrow. Then im having till January the 1st off, and then its time.

Best Blog Entry, Ever!

3 replies on “The end of an era, The start of a new day.”

Can’t believe its two years man, thats gone fast.

Well done with the Princes Trust too πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ – its about time we had someone on our side

Lets have a banging xmas and then take 2007 by storm.

Until then brother, party on πŸ˜€

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