My Past Weblog


Its my hybrid name for what today feels like. Its saturday realy, but i had to get up and be at work for 8:00am (got here at 8:30) as we are bogged down with work and need to get some out the way.

So i have given this day a new name. Tomorrow isnt going to be much better, as i have work at 7:00pm, till 7:00am monday morning – i just hope i can get a few hours sleep while im there or i aint gonna be a pretty sight first thign monday morning!

Ant Update – The two guys who were left in my mini big brother house are george and fred. They seem to be working as a team quite well, and have bonded quite well. They started digging down one of the holes i made for them, but seem to be moving at a slow pace. My idea is to let them become comfortable with each other and their surroundings, then chuck 10 very wild, very young ants, and see how they react to the invasion of unknown antlings. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ants rule ๐Ÿ™‚

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