Chocolate Milk Reviews

Chocolate Milk Review: Funtime Chocolate Milk

The next chocolate milk review on the cards is at the budget end of the scale – and in fact is possibly the worst choc milk ive ever had the misfortune of drinking.

Funtime Chocolate Milk - Gross

We shop in booker quite a bit, and i often pick up a crate of chocolate milk to keep me going whilst everyone else drinks their cans of energy. I usually buy Yazoo as you cant go wrong with that – however this time round i chose Funtime Chocolate Milk and boy was i disappointed when i got back to the office.

This drink manages to taste exactly how you would imagine “Brown water” to taste. Its awful, flavourless and i struggle to drink a whole bottle.

If i’d paid 59p for it too i’d be well pissed off.

If funtime would like to improve their recipe and send me some to try ill be happy to re-review, but for now don’t buy this crap.

Funtime Chocolate Milk – 1/10

2 replies on “Chocolate Milk Review: Funtime Chocolate Milk”

Just bought a bottle from the local shop and it both smells and tastes like bottled shit. What an awful excuse for a beverage

I went to my local store first time I ever brought a funtime milkshakes I got one chocolate that taste awful I had chocolate bits in it so I went to complain to my local store they have told to come you guys to sorted it out and my other one was banana but trust me I’m a fan of banana but this funtime banana milkshake didn’t tase like banana milkshake it’s tase vanilla flavor even tho it’s label banana I would like something down about this if not I will take this future because it’s false information on the brand

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