Bonnie The Dog

My First Proper Walk!

Woh. What the hell have i been missing out on! I knew it rocked outside, i have always liked it, but i didn’t know that the outside was so BIG! And i had no idea how many other doggies there were in the world until i went for “walkies” πŸ™‚

two princessesoff we go

We drove up to this building and parked up, then we walked down a mud road and there were normal dogs, and pink mucky dogs, and BIG dogs that people rode on – it was a different world altogether!

hurry up dadquickkkkk

I had lots of fun running with mum and dad though, we walked for ages, and i was so tired afterwards. When i got home I eated up my dinner and went to sleep after that and fell straight to sleep.

good girl

I cant wait for my next trip to the big outside.

Lots of love

Bonnie x x x

One reply on “My First Proper Walk!”

Hi Bonnie!!!!!
Im glad your enjoying your walks, I should have been able to go out by now, but was poorly when I was supposed to have my injections so they were delayed. πŸ™ Ive only got a week to wait though until my next one! Wahoo!!!!
Mum says she cant wait until I can go out so I can “get rid of some energy” Im not quite sure how you do this though, in fact I dont even know what energy is, let alone how to get rid of it!!!!!! Do you know????
Ivce had a good christmas, theres lots of new toys appeared in my house, but Im not allowed to play with most of them. Its a pity really because those wooden train tracks that my brother Jack had taste so good!!!!!!
Anyway, Im off to update my blog once Mums took the mini humans off to bed for a nap.
Will hopefully see you soon, Mum says if LSOM is running this month, and Im a good girl she might take me down so I can see you, and hopefully the others!

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