So yeah, that photo wasnt madeleine, but the focus has been lifted from the mccans in regards WHODUNNIT, has’nt it?
If your a visitor to my blog, you’ll notice that there has been a significant amount of downtime. This is due to GoDaddy being a bunch of arseholes. I have two dedicated servers with them now, whereas before i had one, and one shared hosting package for all the maxxd sites and this blog etc. It was a dream hosting account, it never went wrong, and there were only one or two annoyances, and they were all the type you can live with!
It wasnt until a couple of fridays ago, when we started to get 503 Errors, saying that the service was unavailable. It was a strange error, as it looked like the server was being maxxd out. But it wasnt, as we had SHIT loads of recources for it!!
So, i started digging about the internet, and contacting their technical support. I eventually found out that it was due to the amount of concurrent connections at any one time! Apparently on the middle choice of Shared Hosting from GoDaddy, the MAX allowed concurrent connections at any one time, was 100. And we had all of a sudden started maxxing it out?! O….k!
So i asked the person i was speaking to at the time what would be the best way to sort it out. They told me upgrading to the top of the range shared hosting package would give me 50% more concurrent connections, and that the sites should run OK with that.
Tried it, paid for the update, and still got the errors. Now, im not being funny, but in my personal opinion, this should of been stated when i signed up for the account. It clearly states that i can host “Unlimited Websites” on a shared hosting account, well thats a lie, isnt it godaddy. Cos too many sites = too many connections which in turn = DOWNTIME. The shared hosting packages are not suitable for anyone who is expecting a fair amount of hits to their site, in fact, they aint suitable for anyone.
So, after much arguments, and about 3 different customer service people, i was passed on to a chap who did help me out. He registered and paid for a VDS from godaddy for me (he works there btw haha) as a way of saying sorry for the bad advice. He then liased with me a bit in regards what else i could get free for them fucking up. Along the way, i got an email saying i had been billed for the rent of my shared hosting package, that i was incorrectly advised to upgrade to. I emailed him, and asked if he could rfund that cash too. He replied and said, yeah sure.
The next thing i no, i have no blog, no picture site, no maxxdirectory… I paniced..
He thought what i meant was “Refund and close” the account.I was FUMING. Not only had a twat sold me “what was on the shelf” instead of what hosting account i needed, another TWAT from godaddy had deleted my entire hosting account! EVERYTHING!
I have had to spend THREE days talking to them, teling them to hurry up, recreting DB’s so they can fill them up, and generally fuckign about, and NONE of it was my fault. I was VERY angry, but now my blog is back up im OK. In payment for such a fuckup, he[s paid the nxt month on my other server, and im gonna try and get him to do me discounted memory upgrades too.
So in conclusion, be careful how you speak to Americans, they presume too much, and don’t really understand English. And if the hosting package you look to be buying seems too good to be true… it probably is!