Well. Where the hell have i been? Ill tell you where, ive been anywhere apart from the internet! The way i look at it, is were gonna spend the next million years plonked in front of one, so i needed the break while i had the chance!
Xmas is always a lonley time for me. As i have lived alone since i was 18, i usually wake up alone, and go to my mothers or fathers for dinner. The year was no different, i got up about 11:30am, and waked and baked 🙂 Gem was at her mom’s because she has a younger brother who still belives in santa etc. The day was pretty good, dinner was superb as my mother is a brilliant chef, and i got loads of random prezzies like a custom passport holder etc.
Gemma came up later on, and stayed with me till yesterday. I have spent a lot of time with her this xmas, and thanks to her ive had the BEST xmas ever. I love you gemma!
I Went to see my family in skegness the day before my birthday, and it was so nice to be able to tell them that “me and a mate have started a marketing company..” I have wanted to tell my cousin james that i have taken the jump and am now self employed. And i did, and it felt amazing. 🙂 I went to see my grandma too, she is in a home now and is looking so small and frail. She was once such an amazing person, so clever, well spoken and intelligent. Its such a shame to see her barely able to walk or speak. Love you grandma, your a legend! 🙁
After the day in skeg, we had a chilled out night, only to be woken up at 9:00am on my birthday, by my half dressed girlfriend throwing pillows at me. I had been told what my birthday suprise was, and it was a trip to london, to watch the panto!!!!!! 😀 😀
My 23rd Birthday

We got to newark train station at about 11:00am, and waited for the train to arrive. It was on time, and in the blink of an eye we were on the train to london. The journey was a laugh, we played cards and ate overpriced food (£3 for a 2 slice of bread sarnie!!!!) We arrived in london at roughly 12:30pm, and were not in a rush so we wandered about the streets taking in all the randomness.

After our little jaunt round the streets of london, we headed to a little bar for a drink before we went next door to a little itallian reasturant to have our lunch. The food was to die for, and the prices were’nt that bad either. Just over £50 for 4 people to eat a starter, main course and a bottle of wine plus a few other drinks. Not bad for london at ALL!

We then had nothing to do until 7:00pm, as thats when the panto started. So i decided that i wanted to see the london eye, so we took the tube to that area, and walked about for a bit. The tube stations were mad, and as soon as i went in one i remembered a film i saw called Creep. Its set in the london underground, and its right scary 🙂

There is obvioulsy no way to predict the weather months in advance, but if it was possible then my mom would of booked us tickets on the london eye. The weather was really good to be honest, and that meant the queue was about 4 miles long, so unfortunatly i was unable to experience the 30 minute long ride round probably the largest “Ferris wheel” in the world. I heard some american calling it that.. yeah, so it is like one of them ferris jobbys, just a tad larger 😆
We wandered about, looking a the mad shit that london had to offer. Street performers, mimes, random little stores selling alsorts of random crap. It was amazing. My mom said she would be unable to live there, as it was too big and busy. I think id love living there, i love the fact its so big and there are so many lives all going off in one place. So many cultures, religions and races. Awesome.
The next part of our trip was actually the point of us going there, the panto. Now i havent been to a panto since i was about 3, but i was really looking forward to this as “The Fonze” was playing captain hook! We walked to a bar before the panto and had a drink until it was time. We headed off to the New Wimbledon Theatre, got popcorn and got ourselves sat down.

The panto also had Bobby davro in it, and some bird from kids tv playing peter pan. I have never laughed so much in my bloody life. It was brilliant. Bobby davro is so funny! People i have spoken to have said they thought he is a bit cheesy, but panto is exactly that – and he just made the show! It was a honor in its self to be in the same room as Henry Winkler aka “The Fonze” from happy days. And he played the part so well. He sounded so much like the old dude from futurama at times too, did he do the voice for that?
After the panto had finished, we scurried off to the tube station, as we had tickets for the last train to newark and we couldnt be late. The tube station and the train station were all very quiet now, and it reminded me a lot more of that film. It was creepy. We eventually got on the train and started the 1 and a half hour trip home.
We got to newark at 12:54, a bunch of tired little travellers we were! I think my mum dropped me and gem off at my house at about 01:30am – I was bolloxed!
All in all, it was a brilliant birthday. Best one for years! I want to thank my mum for planning it all PERFECTLY. I want to thank my mum and kev for payin for the whole day, and i want to thank gem for being there and making my day extra special.
Thats just made my head hurt, and has reminded me about a lot of things that i had forgotten.
Im now sat here after the first day of the rest of my life (self employed, new business etc) And ive never been so happy. I have a business with one of my best mates. I have the best girlfriend in the world, and i live in a mint house, with a mint house mate. Life could only get better now if i start gettin paid a shit load. Ah well, one step at a time yes! 🙂
Check out the maxxd blog, and keep up to date with the day to day goings on of the maxxd crew.
Until next time sports fans…
3 replies on “Xmas, Birthday and 2007..”
Happy New Year Mate…and good luck with the business!
Can’t believe you were in Wimbledon the other day – That’s where I live…you should’ve popped in for a cuppa tea! 🙂
Have yet to see the legend that is Bobby davro walking around though – I suspect he’s probably too busy with his many, many women!
Wow what a great birthday!!! Happy new year!
Dude, if i had rememebred that’s where you’d lived.. id of DEFFO called round and drank some of your tea 🙂