When looking for a web design company, most people will start with a web search for something like “website designers”, “web design reviews” or “good web design companies” and a from that some of those people will end up on review websites looking at customer feedback – as what could be a better opinion of […]
Category: Scams
This was actually stuck in a mail queue on one of our servers – It’s essentially an advance fee scam just like the normal “Send me your bank detail…” emails that we all get bombarded with. However, this one has had a degree of common sense applied to it and will probably trick far more […]
Simon Macbeth Followup – Round 2!
–> Meet Simon Macbeth 🙂 <– I get a fair few emails relating to scams and scammers (I do invite them though so this isnt a complaint) and quite recently i’ve once again been receiving a fair few Simon Macbeth related emails, comments and activity. The “Simon Macbeth Exposed” website had once again been taken down. I sent […]
Ok… so my last post about this I finished by saying that I had simply emailed a vague reply – they did get back to me but they just forwarded the same email they had sent before… So…. I just filled out the form with some fake info and awaited a reply… They didn’t take long […]