My Past Weblog

Presumptuous Wealthy Fucktards

It has just become apparent to me how presumptuous and thoughtless “wealthy” people can be sometimes. For example, a few weeks ago me and wiggy started bringing hot chocolate and powdered milk into work, as 20p for a cup of warm chocolate flavored water was proving too costly. Anyway, we get a moaning at by […]

My Past Weblog

Wasted Money..

Im sick of putting my faith in people to get me some nice weed to smoke to calm me down, and it turn out to be absalute shit! Its bad enough buying it, but then for it to have no effect on me whatsoever. I think its time for plan b. I went to check […]

My Past Weblog

Can you blog too much?

Ok, this is my third entry of the day. Is that too many? I just feel i have a lot to say today. I got into a foul mood becasue i kept fucking work up and i just didnt want to be there today. That caused me to be a c**t with dave on the […]

My Past Weblog

The Boys..

Ok, me and the lads went to black rock the other day. It was great. It was like “ROck wars” tho, cos there was a different clan of people on each rock. We went at sat in a neutral area, and sat looking out over the fantastic views and picturesque landscape. The sun was setting […]