
The end and then the beginning

For just of a year, i have lived in a house with a good mate of mine, wardo. Wardo moved here from bakewell, and hopefully i helped his progression from a bakewell tart πŸ˜‰ (sorry, pudding) to mansfieldian.. But there comes a time in any mans life when he has to move in with the missus. And that time was about a week ago for wardo πŸ™‚

He has moved on with Laura, and they have a lovely house just down the road from mine, so not too far to go and play on the Wii πŸ˜‰Β  So good luck to both of them, i wish them all the luck in the world πŸ™‚

This brings me to my next point, and the fact that I too, am now living alone with my girlfriend gemma. I didnt think anything into it really at first, but then it kinda dawned on me that i am living in a house that, ok its not ours, but its rented and run by us, and we have a garden, and a settee, and, well, everything else that you get in a house.. and its all OURS!

Its not half ours, and half a house mates.. Its Alll Ours!

Not that their is anything wrong with having someone else stuff in the house, it just feels so wierd to me knowing that i can use, or eat, or move, or clean ANYTHING.. and i dont have to wonder if its mine or not!

It sounds so petty, but it was just a really strange revelation i had when i was looking for something to eat (haha) and i realised i could have anything in the cupboards or the fridge, and i wouldn’t get moaned at or feel guilty πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

Yeah, so anyway, wardo has moved out, and that left us with a large empty room upstairs. So i moved my desk in, and set up a little home office. We also moved my kicks in here, and all gem’s ted stuff. But it kinda felt like a storage room and couldnt really be used fby more than one person. We needed a settee, or a sofa bed or something.. Neither of us had any cash at the mo, pay day seemed soooo far away. Then i remebered about my Freecycle email account, and the hundreds of emails i get about stuff people dont want no more.

I searched through the emails i had and found one entry regarding a sofa bed. I emailed the chap and he replied that the sooa bed was still in his back room, and was still free to a good home. A few more emails bounced back and forth discussing the best time to go up, and after i had seen pics and decided it looked ok, we arranged for me to go up after gem picked me up from work.

I called round, and a pleasant chap answered the door and we shook hands. And we all loaded it into the car and we parted after another handshake. That’s one cheap ass sofa bed!


So there is is! Its a beaut, and we even got the funky cushions too. Im always dubious about free stuff, but this thing is great and the bloke was really nice. Makes you realise there are some decent folk out there afterall.

Gem’s free aol lappy came too, its awesome. I want a new one now πŸ™ Oh, and i noticed something else on freecycle too, but that is staying under wraps and is a little thing for my caddy. Hehe πŸ™‚

It seems as of late, that many things in my life have moved forward all at the same time. Its weird, one minute you feel worried and uncertain, then a shit load of things happen and completly change your outlook on life and your future.

We are going to see the puppies tomorrow hopefully, i cant wait to see our little baby im very excited! πŸ™‚ Sarah has been keeping us updated with pics, but its not the same as seeing them ni real life and hearing them make little noises. I really cant wait to get her home, and start the next chapter in our lives.

Peace and love mother funksters.

7 replies on “The end and then the beginning”

Freecyle is brilliant!
Ive got rid of shit loads of stuff that would have otherwise just been sat collecitng dust through it. Perfect working baby monitors, baby clothes that have hardly been worn etc etc.
We also spotted two toddler beds on there and asked for them, nothing wrong with them at all! obviously gave them a good scrub etc but they are perfect.
I think to be honest more people should get involved. I once spotted a load of mk1 fiesta spares, including engine and other bits. Tried to get them for troy but with no success!
Everyone Ive dealt with so far has been really nice.
As for the pups, I’ve been nagging for the garden to be done for three years now, two weeks after Molly’s born Karls cleared all the crap from the side of the house AND him and Azz are digging it all up this weekend! lol
He’s slightly excited!

Awwww, i’m so happy for u n gem πŸ˜€ and Wardo and Laura.

Glad your all happy πŸ˜€

Hope your ok πŸ™‚

Bekki xx

Yeah, it is good.

Some of the things people give away are easily something you can sell on ebay instead of giving it for free..

I guess with freecycle though the stuff is taken from your house, instead of it being you who has to mess about posting it! πŸ™‚

And i have puppy proofed our back garden too.. it looks very neat as well if i dont say so myself!

Thanks bekki! Hope your OK too πŸ™‚


Id asked Laura the other night what was happening with you and the house, she said it was staying just you and Gem. thats nice mate, hope you enjoy yourselves πŸ™‚


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