
Web Design Quote SCAM SamboMetals | Aline Faltas SCAMMER

This one was a bit random, I sussed something was up straight away but wanted to get some info out the guy, so played along for a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚

It all started with an email;

On 29 October 2015 at 12:05, Aline Faltas <> wrote:
Hello Good day,

How are you doing? Please advice if you do web design and also advice if you accept credit cards.

Thank you and expecting to read back from you


Aline Faltas

Pretty bad english, and the note about credit cards looked a bit dodgy but I played along ๐Ÿ™‚

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Olly <olly@X.X> wrote:

Yes and yes.

Let me know if you require any more information.



Didn’t take him long to respond! Hmm, copy and pasted perhaps? ๐Ÿ™‚

On 29 October 2015 at 12:56, SamboMetals <> wrote:
Thanks for your swift response

Here is the job details

I have small scale business which i want to turn into large scale business now it located in TN and the company is based on importing and exporting of Agriculture products such as Kola Nut, Gacillia Nut and Cocoa so i need a best of the best layout design for it. Can you handle that for me ?. so i need you to check out this site but i need something more perfect than this if its possible .โ€ฆ the site would only be informational, so i need you to give me an estimate based on the site i gave you to check out, the estimate should include hosting and i want the same page as the site i gave you to check out and i have a private project consultant, he has the text content and the logos for the site.


1. I want the same number of pages with the example site i gave you to check excluding videos and blogs.
2. I want only English language
3. I don’t have a domain yet but i want the domain name as
4. you will be updating the site for me.
5. i will be proving the IMAGES, logos and content for the site.
6. i want the site up and running before ending of NEXT month.

My budget is $2000 to $4000

Kindly get back to me with:

(1) an estimate
(2) your cell phone number
(3) And will like to know if you are the owner?


Aline Faltas

At this point, I was questioning whether or not this was real – his first contact with us was dodgy, but this seemed fairly normal, there were a few bits of the email that I wasnt happy with so rather than answer everything I made him aware of some key points;

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 12:58 PM, Olly <olly@X.X> wrote:

It is unlikely we could get this live for the end of next month for a budget of $4000.

Please let me know if there is any room to move the deadlines or budget.



Then, they sent me this and it was at this point that it went from a 20% possibility of it being a scam, to a 50% chance of it being a scam. Or maybe the chaps English isn’t too good?

On 29 October 2015 at 13:03, SamboMetals <> wrote:
Thanks for your response,I am okay with the total cost.. everything sound good and I’m ready to make payment now with my Credit card

I replied;

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Olly <olly@X.X> wrote:

You misunderstand.

I cannot do this job in 1 month for $4000.

Make it $7,500 and we may be able to help.



To which I got a response that was a bit confusing, it almost lowered the probability of it being a scam by 10%

On 29 October 2015 at 17:49, SamboMetals <> wrote:
Ok how long will it take you to complete the job if i pay $7,500???

Hmm, thought I would be straight up with the guy just in case it was a paying customer;

On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Olly <olly@X.X> wrote:

Being realistic, it would take us up till the end of the year.

And anyone that promises otherwise is probably lying ๐Ÿ™‚



Then, BOOM;

On 29 Oct 2015 23:46, “SamboMetals” <> wrote:
Thanks for your response,I am okay with the total cost.. everything sound good and I’m ready to make payment now with my Credit card.

I understand the content for this site would be needed so work can start asap.. but i will need a Little favor from you and the favor is that I will send you my credit card to charge for the sum of $16,500.00 plus 3% Cc company charges, You will deduct $7,500.00 for the design of the website plus extra $100.00 as a tip for handling perfect work for me and you will send the remaining $8,000.00 to the project consultant that has been handling all my consultancy and she has the text content and the logo for my website so once she receive the $8,000.00 she would send the text content,videos and logo needed for my website to you..

I would have love to make the payment directly to her,but she dont have the credit card facility to work can start asap,Sending of funds would be after my payment clears into your account.
Kindly get back to me so we can proceed with payment as soon as you ready to make a start.

Best Regards.


As if by copy-and-pasted magic, here cameย the payload!

Ive seen similar scams before, but not heard of them targeting UK based web design companies!

Hopefully no one will fall for this as its clearly a scam, they have probably stolen a credit card or bought a number off the internet and i would bet my years salary that the “Consultant” is actually him with a wig on.

Giz a kiss

Please let me know in the comments below if you have received an email enquiry like this, and ill publish the comments to hopefully help other people avoid being ripped off byย Aline Faltas, with the email address;

BTW I did reply after his last email;

To: SamboMetals <>


No thanks, scammer.

Kind Regards


Until next time! ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT: 10/08/2016 – Our Sambo metals scammer has struck again!

I was emailed by an individual who was on the receiving end of this scam but via a slightly different angle – Read here!

4 replies on “Web Design Quote SCAM SamboMetals | Aline Faltas SCAMMER”

It is very helpful…thanks for sharing this because I also got the same email this morning (I am website designed based in Hong Kong)! Lucky that I searched his name before I replied his request… thanks!

Thanks for your swift response

Here is the job details

I have small scale business which i want to turn into large scale business now it located in TN and the company is based on importing and exporting of Agriculture products such as Kola Nut, Gacillia Nut and Cocoa so i need a best of the best layout design for it. Can you handle that for me ?. so i need you to check out this site but i need something more perfect than this if its possible .โ€ฆ the site would only be informational, so i need you to give me an estimate based on the site i gave you to check out, the estimate should include hosting and i want the same page as the site i gave you to check out and i have a private project consultant, he has the text content and the logos for the site.


1. I want the same number of pages with the example site i gave you to check excluding videos and blogs.
2. I want only English language
3. I don’t have a domain yet but i want the domain name as
4. you will be updating the site for me.
5. i will be proving the IMAGES, logos and content for the site.
6. i want the site up and running before ending of NEXT month.

My budget is $2000 to $5000

Kindly get back to me with:

(1) an estimate
(2) your cell phone number
(3) And will like to know if you are the owner?


Thanks for your response,I am okay with the total cost.. everything sound good and I’m ready to make payment now with my Credit card.

I understand the content for this site would be needed so work can start asap.. but i will need a Little favor from you and the favor is that I will send you my credit card to charge for the sum of $8,500.00 plus 3% Cc company charges, You will deduct $3,400 for the design of the website plus extra $100.00 as a tip for handling perfect work for me and you will send the remaining $5,000.00 to the project consultant that has been handling all my consultancy and she has the text content and the logo for my website so once she receive the $5,000.00 she would send the text content,videos and logo needed for my website to you..

I would have love to make the payment directly to her,but she dont have the credit card facility to work can start asap,Sending of funds would be after my payment clears into your account.

Kindly get back to me so we can proceed with payment as soon as you ready to make a start.


Thanks for getting back to me, send invoice of $8,500.00 and i will arrange for credit card details so that you can charge full payment from my card.

Thanks for getting back to me, I dont have a paypal account, i just have my credit card details which i’m going to give to you to so that you can charge it manually.

Please find below my credit card details. kindly proceed to charge according to the limit.

Billing Address: 120 Maple Dr,Chapel Hill NC 27514

Card Number : 424XXX903
Expiry Date: 7/17
Cvv: 825
Card Limit: $900

Card Number : 4246XXX81348
Expiry Date: 7/17
Cvv: 159
Card Limit: $500

Card Number : 4246XXX2847
Expiry Date: 1/17
Cvv: 266
Card Limit: $700


Hello I am hearing impaired ,can you handle website design for new company and do you accept credit card payment ?

Here is the job details…….

I have small scale business which I want to turn into large scale business now. Its located in FL and the company is based on import and export of Agricultural produce such as Kola Nut, Gacillia Nut, and Cocoa so I need the best layout design for it. Can you handle that for me? I need you to check out this site but I need something much better than this if its possible the site would only be informational. I need you to give me an estimate based on the site I gave you to check out, the estimate should include hosting and I want the same page as the site I gave you to check out. Also, I already have my text contents and logo ready to be deployed by my project consultant.

1. I want the same number of pages with the example site i gave you to check excluding videos and blogs.
2. I want only English language
3. I dont have a domain yet but i want the domain name as
4. you will be updating the site for me.
5. i will be proving the images, logos and content for the site.
6. i want the site up and running before ending of next month.
7. My budget is $5000 to $12,000

Kindly get back to me with:
(1) an estimate
(2) your cell phone number
(3) Are you the owner ??
(4 Address/Location


2nd message

Thanks for your response, i am okay with the estimate and i wanna proceed so i will be depositing $5000 using credit card so work can commence ASAP, i understand the content for this site would be needed so as for the job to commence .. regarding the content i will need a lil favor from you and the reason i need this favor from you is because the consultant does not have the facility to charge credit cards and am presently in the hospital for surgery so i will be glad if you can help me out with this favor,The favor i need from you is…. i would give you my card infos to charge for $11,000. so $5000 would be a deposit payment for my website design and the remaining $6000 you would help me send it to the project consultant that has the text content and the logo for my website , once he has the $6000 he would send the text content and logo needed for my website to you .. sending of funds would be after funds clears into your account and also $100tip for you stress and time.

Note: i need your personal cellphone number which i can text you to, i am an hearing impaired.

Kindly get back to me ASAP

3rd message

Do you have other means of charging my credit card rather than paypal ? cos my card has been hacked thru paypal and i dont wanna risk it anymore, and i really wanna work with you

4th message

i was told by my credit card merchant that my credit card will not work outside the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA , do you have anyone in the US , that could help charge my card manually on a card reader ?

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